Oct 07, 2020
Human Centric Lighting (HCL) is your key to unlock a highly productive and constructive working environment. Ever had that warm, fuzzy feeling in the afternoon when you are suddenly slow and experiencing a concentration drop? The chances are your employees are experiencing the same too. Research suggests that a minor energy and alertness dip occurs between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. for most people.
As a business stakeholder, how can you power those dips and help your employees to bring out their best? The key to writing is to make something that you would want to read. Here is how to do it.
Light, just like water and air, is necessary for survival as it dictates body functions and affects the body clock, best known as the circadian rhythm. In any case, what it means is, lighting can affect the mood, alertness, energy level, cognition, and even appetite. Human Centric Lighting is optimizing lighting levels in such a way that improves the occupant alertness, productivity, comfort, emotional levels, and overall wellbeing. But how exactly do we react to lighting levels?
Circadian Rhythm is the sleep-wake cycle responsible for every physical, mental, and behavioral change your body goes through in 24 hours. This internal clock is synchronized with the light to the point where different lighting levels can lead to hormonal changes resulting in seasonal disorders. SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), also known as Winter Syndrome, is one such effect that occurs at the time of the year when sunlight is low.
The presence of rods and cones in the eye is common knowledge. However, in 2002, photoreceptive ganglion cells were discovered whose primary function is to observe the lighting levels for the body hormones to function accordingly.
Late in the evening, ever wondered why everyone slowly feels tired and there is an urge to rest? Melatonin is the hormone responsible for that. When the lighting level comes down in the evening, melatonin secretion starts and slows the metabolism, preparing the body for a good night’s sleep.
At day, light slows down the production of melatonin empowering the body to be active. And this is why many suggest not to work with laptops and mobile phones late at night as the blue light can increase alertness and lower the production of melatonin.
Also known as the stress hormone, cortisol secretion starts at around 3 a.m. and slowly reaches a peak around 9 a.m. However, the secretion gradually declines throughout the day and by evening, melatonin takes over to allow the body to rest.
For the time between low light levels with low CCT that starts from 2500K and gradually reaches 4000K will help to suppress the remaining melatonin and kick-start the day enthused.
Since around 10 a.m. is cortisol peak, natural white light that occurs between 4000K and 5500K is optimal. High-intensity lights with high CCT, between 5500K and 6500K, at midday can help the body to reduce the effects of midday slump and help your workforce to concentrate better. A pleasant, motivating, and relaxing high color temperature can bring the desired effect.
Warmer color temperatures hint at the arrival of evenings. While helping your employees to be productive, it also sets the ambiance for melatonin to be secreted for a good night’s rest. Natural white light (4000K – 5500K) can be used at around 2 p.m. gradually decreasing to warmer color temperatures (2500K – 4000K) imitating the natural light.
Low light levels and low CCT should be optimal for night lights in personal spaces. However, in places where nightlife or night-shift work is predominant, high color temperature and high-intensity lights are recommended early during the shifts and then, gradually move to lower levels.
Human Centric Lighting improves alertness and visual comfort. Along with enhancing the attractiveness of the space, the right lighting allows the occupants to positively connect with the workspace, heightening productivity, concentration, and energy levels. Not to mention, a well-lit environment can also dampen the feelings of fatigue and strain.
The direction of lighting is also proven to affect the emotional state of the occupants. Lighting mounted below the eye-level can instill an informal atmosphere where individual importance and personal feelings may take the priority. On the other hand, lighting mounted above the eye-level creates a formal atmosphere and promotes restraint leading to better coordination, rationality, and communication.
The absence of Human Centric Lighting implies that the occupants’ do not consume adequate lighting for their bodies to synchronize accordingly. This could disturb the hormonal balance and result in effects similar to jetlag, depression, stress, and ultimately compromise productivity. Installing Human Centric Lighting, on the contrary, can regulate circadian rhythm, reinforces optimism, and reduces absenteeism.
Apart from offices and workspaces for which we have seen the implications extensively, here are other industries that can be improved with Human Centric Lighting
Human Centric Lighting systems are revolutionary for hospitals. Operation theatres, intensive care units, recovery rooms, and every space including the waiting rooms can be light-optimized to enhance the mood of doctors, nurses, patients, and even visitors. Human Centric Lighting can improve recovery and result in less stress and fatigue for doctors and nurses.
Human Centric Lighting can greatly improve the attention and concentration both for students and teachers. While optimizing lights to cooler color temperatures during tests and classes can induce increased alertness, turning to warmer color temperatures during discussions and relaxations can lighten the ambiance accordingly.
Human Centric Lighting can greatly improve the attention and concentration both for students and teachers. While optimizing lights to cooler color temperatures during tests and classes can induce increased alertness, turning to warmer color temperatures during discussions and relaxations can lighten the ambiance accordingly.
While industrial units inherit other business’s Human Centric Lighting advantages, oftentimes they have multiple shifts. Controlled cool light showers can be used before starting the second half of the shifts to instill a constructive environment boosting productivity.
Cree Lighting’s Cadiant Dynamic Skylight recreates a natural atmosphere inside the walls by smart use of lighting intensity and color temperature. It also stimulates the sun’s movement and illuminates the space imitating the natural light changing from time to time. Not to mention, the Skylight also has customizing options to ensure lighting according to the requirement.
One other leading technology is Phillips Hue lights that come in various shapes and sizes to fit the requirement. The smart lighting system, while offering recommended light according to the time of the day, provides many color options to use according to one’s preferences. It also comes with a mobile app to control the smart lighting system seamlessly.
There are many companies researching and experimenting with Human Centric Lighting to deliver highly optimized lighting systems. And with every technology update, the cost of Human Centric Lighting is coming down encouraging investments for productivity and wellbeing.
While Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is said to occur in climates where light is often dim, a study suggests that brighter lighting intensifies both positive and negative emotions. Optimizing lighting relying heavily on intensity can increase the energy cost and strain the budget. So, keeping the light intensity adjustments to a minimum and optimizing with color temperature will prove beneficial in the long run.
We, at mySupplier, incorporate the latest and proven researches in our Human Centric Lighting services along with your requirement and our experience of working in various industries to empower your business and personal spaces.